baby & toddler experts weigh in on need-to-know topics.
My Baby Stopped Babbling… Is that Normal?
Did your baby all of a sudden stop doing a skill like babbling? This blog breaks down what is normal and when to be concerned.
Handling Communication Breakdowns
My tips for handling communication breakdowns from infancy to toddlerhood!
How do I talk to my little ones?
What is “narrating your day” & what does it look like for moms?
How to Add Words to Your Child’s Vocabulary
Read to learn my favorite technique for expanding your little one’s language skills!
Forgotten Functional Words
Take a look at these list of functional words you want to highlight with your little one! SPOILER ALERT: they are NOT nouns and verbs!
Help! My little one has no words.
If you aren’t hearing your little one make consonant sounds or words, or they aren’t trying to imitate you orally- that can send you into a PANIC. Read how to support your little one’s expressive language skills.
Baby’s First Words: Focus on Functional
Read about how to use functional words around the house and why they should be taught first.
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