baby & toddler experts weigh in on need-to-know topics.
The Ingredients Inside Halloween Candy
Our dietitian walks us through what ingredients are best to avoid if you can, some better-for-you options, The "Halloween Swap" and a fun recipe!
How do I know if my baby is ready for solids?
Learn what your little one needs in order to start solids and how to help them get ready if they aren’t!
Bottle Refusal: What to Do
The feeding specialists and lactation counselor on the team come together to give you the best tips for handling bottle refusal!
Heavy Metals in Baby Food
What you need to know about heavy metals in baby food and what you can do to limit your little one’s exposure.
Sitting in the High Chair When Starting Solids
How your baby should look in the high chair when starting solids and why it’s important for safety.
Baby Feeding Schedule by Age
Guidelines for babies who are formula-fed or breastmilk fed, as well as guidelines on how much water to offer and how solids impact overall intake.
How to Bottle Feed Your Baby
Learn the Dos and Don’ts of bottle feeding your baby, which positions are recommended and what to do if your baby is showing signs of difficulty.
Choking Hazard Foods for Toddlers
The most common choking risks and how to safely offer them to your little one.
Is gagging when starting solids “normal?”
Learn the facts about gagging, why it happens, and if you should be concerned!
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