Back-to-School Snack Tips

Summer is almost over and it’s time to start thinking more about schedules, lunches, and snacks! When you’re planning meals and snacks to send to daycare or to offer throughout the day, here are 4 important things to keep in mind.


Carbs. Protein. Fat.

When packing a lunch or a snack for your baby or toddler, try to keep things balanced. Oftentimes, meals can be overloaded in one area (usually carbohydrates), and to help your little one feel full and receive the energy that they need, try to offer foods that balance out.

Carbs should make up most of a toddler’s diet at about 45-65% of calories, with fat coming in next at 30-40% of calories, and protein at 5-20% of calories. (AAP, 2023)

Skout Organic Snack Bars are an example of a balanced snack food as they are higher in carbohydrates, but also contain smaller amounts of fat and protein.

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Send safe foods your little one can manage well.

If your child is going to a daycare or school setting this fall, make sure you are sending foods that they can manage well and independently. Littles are more likely to be distracted while eating in a group setting, and therefore their risk of choking is higher. Chewing is important for jaw and overall oral development, so trying to offer chewable foods as much as you can is important. Just make sure you child has had plenty of practice eating the foods you’re packing before sending them along.

Skout Organic Snack Bars are a great soft texture for new chewers and toddlers too. Their bars are also all ONE texture, without gritty or hard bits that could potentially be a choking risk. So, they are a great option to send along in the lunchbox!

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But you can still offer sweet treats!

Added sugar is hidden in so many things, so be mindful of what you’re buying and sending in your child’s lunchbox! It is totally fine to offer a sweet treat, and sometimes fruit isn’t enough (or your child sees others having a cookie and hey, they want a cookie too- I know I would!). Offering cookies that contain no added sugar and are sweetened with fruit is what I recommend.

Skout Organic Soft-Baked Cookies are a great choice. Sweetened with date paste, they are yummy and healthy. Plus, they come individually wrapped, with each pack containing 2 cookies. Pop them in the lunchbox and go!

Code “EATPLAYSAY” saves 20%.


Nut-free? No problem.

Many daycares or school facilities have a “nut-free” policy to keep those who are allergic to peanuts or tree nuts safe from a reaction. Or perhaps your little one has a dairy, gluten, or other allergy. Those factors can make it hard to shop for snacks!

Skout Organic Snack Bars are naturally vegan and gluten free, and many of their bars have sunflower butter as an alternative to peanut butter, making them a great option!

Code “EATPLAYSAY” saves 20%.

Can’t believe the school year is almost here! Remember that offering as many whole foods during meals is recommended. Most older babies (10 months +) and toddlers have about 3 meals a day with 1-2 snacks (as needed.) Load up your pantry with healthy snack options for when your child needs a boost between meals and enjoy!


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