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All the Ways to Play:

  1. Melissa & Doug Town Play Set:

    Have your toddler practice labeling the different buildings around town. Build your own town together on the table or the floor!
    Functional Language: building names, stop, go, signs

  2. Wooden Ramp Racer:

    Increase visual motor skills as your little one practices placing the car on the track and watching it go down. This track is very motivating for new sitters and encourages them to reach up thus, increasing core engagement.
    Functional Language: ready set go; drop, up, down

  3. Round the Town Road Rug:

    Engage in open-ended play as you and your little one drive the cars around the town. Talk about the different places you are going and what you will do there.
    Functional Language: car, vroom, beep, places

  4. Wooden School Bus:

    Sing “Wheels on the Bus” as you engage with this toy bus! New crawlers can practice pushing the bus around and dropping people into the bus as you sing the song.
    Functional Language: bus, people, in, out, open, close, wheels

  5. Green Toys Car Carrier:

    Increase motor skills through loading/unloading and maneuvering this truck around the house. Place the little cars around the house and have your little one take the big truck to go find and “pick up” all of the cars.
    Functional Language: go, truck, car, beep, in, out

  6. Melissa & Doug Pull-Back Cars:

    Work on using “ready, set, go” with new sitters and older little ones, too. These cars are great motivators for new crawlers as they want to move and go chase the cars!
    Functional Language: ready, set, go; car, vroom, beep

  7. Stack & Count Wooden Parking Garage:

    Practice grasping and releasing with these stacking cars. Great for toddlers 2+ years to work on dropping the cars into the garage, then engaging in pretend play as they drive the cars around and make different sounds.
    Functional Language: beep, vroom, go

  8. Road Rug:

    Have races with your little one on this twisty road rug. Find different toy cars around the house to race each other and see who is the fastest!
    Functional Language: ready, set, go; car, race

  9. Wooden Truck:

    Make the truck drive back and forth for little ones around 12 months, then practice moving the truck around the house and through your kitchen chair legs as your little one gets older.
    Functional Language: truck, beep, vroom, stop, go

  10. Green Toys Recycling Truck:

    This large truck is great for working on social play as you roll the car back and forth with your little one. The truck’s large size makes it easy to catch with two hands and then push right back to you. Before you throw the box away, cut out the square recycling pieces on it. They are labeled with a paper, bottle, or can icon and can be used to push into the sides of the truck, then dump out the back!
    Functional Language: ready, set, go; push, truck, beep

  11. Melissa & Doug Car Carrier Truck:

    Practice color identification, increase motor skills, and work on problem solving as your little one works to drive all of the cars onto the truck.    
    Functional Language: colors, truck, car, beep, vroom, on, off

  12. Rescue Vehicle Garage:

    Increase functional wrist rotation, color matching skills, and vehicle sounds with this garage toy. 
    Functional Language: twist, open, close, car, colors

How to Set the Play Scene:

You have your vehicles & the books to match, but how do you set them up for play? Our Ways to Play Guides can help with that!

If your little one loves vehicles, be sure to check out our trains, planes, and tractors pages, too!

