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All the Ways to Play:

  1. B. Toys Instruments:

    This kit comes with so many little instruments to explore and play with! Your little one will love shaking, banging, and tapping all of the instruments to make music with you! Plus, everything fits back into the drum for easy storage.
    Functional Language: up, down, shake, bang, tap, instruments, music

  2. Musical Instruments Sound Puzzle:

    The perfect puzzle for working on pincer grasp (starting at 9 months) as you practice pulling the pieces off the puzzle board. As your little one gets older, work on imitation skills by imitating the different instrument sounds and encourage your little one to imitate them with you!
    Functional Language: on, off, music, sounds, instruments

  3. Tonie Box:

    Toddlers love the Tonie Box! Encourage independent play and decision making by choosing the character then placing it on the box to listen to the stories and songs. Great for little ones 2 years and up!
    Functional Language: on, off, listen, “I pick…”

  4. Musical Mat:

    The perfect gross motor development toy! Great for encouraging new sitters to lean forward, new crawlers to move to press the keys with their hands, and new walkers to step on the keys to make sounds with their feet.
    Functional Language: stop, go, press, push, step

  5. Magic Touch Wooden Piano:

    This toy is perfect for new sitters as they work on leaning forward to bang on the piano, they are also increasing their core strength and stability. Your little one will continue to play with this toy more functionally as they get older!
    Functional Language: play, piano, music, bang

  6. Hape Kid’s Ukulele:

    Work on using two hands as your little one holds the ukulele with one hand, then strums with the other hand. Pair with language and following directions by practicing “stop” and “go”/“play”. Great for 2+ years.
    Functional Language: play, strum, ukulele, music, stop, go

  7. Mighty Echo Microphone:

    Microphones are AMAZING for encouraging speech and sounds. Model making a sound or saying a word into the microphone, then pass to your little one and wait for them to try and imitate you!
    Functional Language: sounds and first words

  8. Band-in-a-Box Instrument Set:

    A great music set for your little one! Practice following directions as you ask them to “find the…” then wait for them to grab the instrument and play/sing a song together! Perfect for 2+ years old.
    Functional Language: “Find the…,” music, instruments, shake, tap, bang, sounds

  9. V-Tech Drum Set:

    Practice imitation skills by banging on the drum with your hand first (6+ months) then the drum stick (12+ months), then PAUSE and wait for your little one to imitate you. 
    Functional Language: bang, boom, tap, hit, drum, stick

  10. Caterpillar Xylophone:

    Increase  hand-eye coordination by using the xylophone stick to bang on the instrument to make noise, Then work on taking turns by passing the stick back and forth and modeling “my turn” and “your turn”. Great for 12+ months.
    Functional Language: bang, tap, xylophone, music, sound, “my turn/your turn”

  11. Wooden Egg Shakers & Maracas:

    Shakers and maracas are a great toy to keep in your toy box and they truly grow with your little one. Practice grasping and releasing, shaking, imitation skills, banging two items together, and just plain fun with music!
    Functional Language: bang, shake, up, down, music, maracas

  12. Fisher-Price Record Player:

    This toy is great for working on color identification (3+ years), but you can introduce it before 3 years to work on “stop” and “go. Stop when the music goes off, dance when the music turns on again!
    Functional Language: music, songs, stop, go, dance, colors

How to Set the Play Scene:

You have all your musical instruments and toys, but how do you set them up for play? Our Ways to Play Guides can help with that!

Shop Three Year Olds:

  1. Music Book

  2. Kid’s Ukulele

  3. Tonie Box

If your little one loves music, be sure to check out our sensory table, arts & crafts & rainbow pages, too!



