baby & toddler experts weigh in on need-to-know topics.
How to Bottle Feed Your Baby
Learn the Dos and Don’ts of bottle feeding your baby, which positions are recommended and what to do if your baby is showing signs of difficulty.
What is Flat Head Syndrome?
What is a flat spot? How do you know if your baby has one? What do you do about fixing it?
What to do when baby puts everything in their mouth
Yes, you WANT your baby to be putting things in their mouth! Read why here.
What does sitting up have to do with starting solids?
Baby should be sitting up independently when starting solids. But WHY? This blog breaks it all down.
How do I play with my newborn?
Wait, my newborn can actually play? Yes, yes they can. Check out how and why playing with newborns is so important!
Signs it’s Time for a Feeding Evaluation
Answer these questions to see if it may be time to contact a feeding therapist.
When & Why Babies Should Use Teethers
Babies should be putting things in their mouth! Read when and why teethers are appropriate and how to offer them to your baby and toddler.
Are Pacifiers “Bad?”
Learn WHY little ones may be using a pacifier or sucking their thumb, and HOW to help them!
Hitting Milestones: When you Don't Want to "Wait & See"
When your pediatrician says, “Let’s wait and see,” in regards to developmental milestones, you don’t have to agree. Here are some things you can say and ask instead.
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