How to Keep Babies Entertained at a Wedding
The Gormans’ first wedding!
Paul danced until 10 PM and stole the show. What a night!
Last weekend, my family (young toddler included) attended a wedding and reception. Because we were family of the groom, we sat in the front row during the ceremony and I was PRAYING that my little guy would keep quiet for the 30 minute ceremony. I brought out alllll my tricks, and luckily we made it through! Here’s how we did it:
I started off by including my 18 month old in every detail of the wedding. I whispered in his ear and pointed out everything that was happening (e.g., the flower girl throwing rose petals, the lighting of the candles, when the music started and stopped, etc.) Those things were interesting enough to keep his attention for a minute or two, but in between events, I needed some help.
Busy toys! I have a list of all my favorite toys that are quiet in my Baby + Toddler Travel List on Amazon. Additionally, bring your little one’s favorite flap and touch and feel books, and bring lots of them. I brought a 4-5 of these! They helped a TON. When one gets boring, offer a choice of another one and try to keep it interesting.
Before you have to sit down for a long period of time (e.g., during church, a ceremony, a recital, etc) get your little one moving. Have them walk outside or in the hallway, or walk up and down stairs to get the jitters out! Then go sit down and get your child immersed in a busy toy.
Incorporate sign language. Use the signs for “sit, quiet, wait, listen” to help cue expected behavior. It’s ok if they make noise! Littles can’t be super quiet the entire time, and that’s ok!
If you can, sit near the back of the room so you can sneak out if your child gets a little too loud or needs a break. It’s ok to make a little escape- people are understanding!
And, if you need to introduce a screen- then do it! Do what’s best for you and your family.